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Meet our Candidate

We received applications and nominations from people of all backgrounds and preferences, and we've talked with some amazing people, and our candidate has been selected - Keryn Jones.

Voices of Fisher will be working hard over the coming months to support Keryn in her goal to become the next representative for our Fisher electorate and we'll appreciate your support.

Watch this site and our socials, and look out for our email and SMS communications for ongoing news of the campaign to elect Keryn as the representative for Fisher.

Visit Keryn's site at





"Two party politics is holding back progress in Australia."


"Acting with integrity in parliament, truly representing our views, not just the party line."


"We need a good communicator, someone able to cut through on all levels, community, business and government."


"A good representative is someone with intelligence, empathy, a regard for truth and evidence."


"Someone humble enough to listen and learn, and confident enough to speak and lead."