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Building a community movement takes time, effort, lots of volunteer hours and, of course ... money.

Our community Voices of Fisher group is growing, thanks to people like you. Hundreds of people have come together to have their say at our Kitchen Table Conversations, in community surveys and at events. The resounding response is that people want change in political representation for the people in the federal electorate of Fisher, here on the Sunshine Coast

Please donate as little or as much as you can afford.

You can make a direct deposit into our bank account if you prefer - and save us transaction fees. Just send us an email to let us know you have done so. 

Account Name: Voices of Fisher

BSB: 313 140

Account No: 

If you have any donation queries, please email us at [email protected]

Because we are not a political party, candidate or charity, donations are not tax deductible.


Thank you for your support.